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I got an A

Thanks so much for your recent help with my Eng­lish Assign­ment. It was because of your help that I got an A. So Hap­py!


helped me learn from my mistakes

I real­ly enjoyed the exam­ples you gave of how to make it bet­ter which helped me learn from my mis­takes.


wonderful advice

Thanks for all the help. I could­n’t have achieved that result with­out your won­der­ful advice.


improved results

Thanks to Tama­ra’s Tuition, I received an A- on my Eng­lish Oral.
Here is the Teacher Com­ments I received.
“You made good use of a Pow­er­Point which was visu­al­ly appeal­ing. You spoke well, with clar­i­ty, pace and used pace/pause for effect. You estab­lished eye con­tact and used ges­tures. Your speech was well writ­ten and shows a clear under­stand­ing of what was required.”


thanks for all your help

I got an A- for the assess­ment piece you helped me with… thanks for all your help and see you next year.


invested in helping her students

Over my final two years of school­ing Tamara’s Tuition helped me improve in Eng­lish and get the best results pos­si­ble. Tama­ra was always inter­est­ed in the top­ics we stud­ied and invest­ed in help­ing her stu­dents and as a result was able to make the ses­sions enjoy­able.

CHAC Stu­dent


I want to say thank you so much for all of your help. It has been fan­tas­tic work­ing with you. You have helped me so much.


passion and commitment

Thank you so much for all of your pas­sion and com­mit­ment towards me as a stu­dent.. it tru­ly makes learn­ing Eng­lish more enjoy­able. I am grate­ful for all of our con­ver­sa­tions. It is won­der­ful to know that you are gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in all of your stu­dents and how we are. Thank you for always lis­ten­ing to me and always giv­ing me help­ful advice. It has been a won­der­ful four years and I am so glad that I met you.

More­ton Bay Col­lege Stu­dent

highly recommend

Tama­ra has tutored my daugh­ter through her senior high school years. Her under­stand­ing of the cur­ricu­lum and pos­i­tive atti­tude were fan­tas­tic in not only guid­ing Sarah’s learn­ing but also devel­op­ing her organ­i­sa­tion­al skills and con­fi­dence. Tama­ra assist­ed Sarah with her home­work and assign­ments across almost every sub­ject and with her sup­port she achieved suc­cess­ful grad­u­a­tion results. I high­ly rec­om­mend Tamara’s Tuition.

Deanne Schooth

provided great insight

Tama­ra has pro­vid­ed a great insight in devel­op­ment areas for my son who is in year 12 at Iona. Not only has she sup­port­ed him in improv­ing his Eng­lish, with­in a short time, and under­stand­ing assign­ments bet­ter how­ev­er I believe her tutor­ing will sup­port him when he starts uni­ver­si­ty and needs well devel­oped essay writ­ing skills. I high­ly rec­om­mend Tama­ra.

Jen­nifer Jeffs